Journal of Fiqh in Contemporary Financial Transactions

Journal title: Journal of fiqh in Contemporary Financial Transactions
Initials: JFCFT
Frequency: 2 issues per year (January and July)
DOI: prefix: 10.61111 by 
Online ISSN: 2988-151X
Editor-in-chief: Rio Erismen Armen
Publisher: Department of Islamic Economic Law, STEI SEBI
Indexing: Google Scholar |Garuda ScilitMoraref 

Journal of Fiqh in Contemporary Financial Transactions (JFCFT), is a peer-reviewed and open access journal published by the Islamic Economic Law Department, Sekolah Tinggi ekonomi Islam (STEI) SEBI. This research journal is used as a media for publication of results and provide immediate open access as an effort to disseminate research results that focus on FIqh Studies includes (but is not limited to): Fiqh Muamalah Maliyah; Economic Law and Business Law both in terms of the perspective Islamic and Positive Law. JFCFT is a semi-annual journal issued on January and July.

The journal invites scholars, researchers, lecturers, and practitioners to contribute by publishing the original research articles through Journal of Fiqh in Contemporary Financial Transactions.

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Vol 3, No 1 (2025): Journal of Fiqh in Contemporary Financial Transactions (in progress)

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Erna Sari, Hermita Arif, M. Achyar Ibrahim
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