GREAT: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Islam

Journal title: GREAT: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Islam
Initials: GREAT
Frequency: 2 issues per year (January and July)
Online ISSN3032-7253
Editor-in-chiefDonny Setiawan
Publisher: Program Studi Manajemen Bisnis Syariah, STEI SEBI
Indexing: Google Scholar I Moraref I

GREAT: Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Islam is a scholarly journal published by Shariah Business Management Department, School of Islamic Economics (STEI SEBI). The GREAT journal has been issued since 2024 and it’s have published twice in a year in  January and  July. The journal has been publishing scholarly papers since 2024. All submitted papers will firstly review by journal editors and if it was matched with the journal scope, the paper will be then sent to our peer-reviewers.  Starting in 2024 onwards, we encourage authors to only submit research papers written in good-read English academic writing.

The journal is designed to provide a forum for researchers/academicians and also practitioners who are interested in knowledge and in discussing ideas, issues and challenges in the field of Islamic Business and Management. To solve the problem of the ummah and to provide the solution for the gap between the theories and practices.

The scope or coverage of this journal will include but are not limited to Islamic economics, Islamic business, Islamic wealth management, issues on shariah implementation/practices of Islamic business ethics.

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Vol 1, No 2 (2024): Journal of Management And Islamic Business

Table of Contents


Hartini Hartini, Malahayatie Malahayatie
| Abstract views: 1061 | PDF views: 2485
Ahmad Tsaqib Ramadhan, Wirda Hilwa
| Abstract views: 1858 | PDF views: 975
Ghina Mar'atusholihah, Donny Setiawan
| Abstract views: 573 | PDF views: 419
Yusuf Yoga Pratama, Lutfi Zulkarnain
| Abstract views: 547 | PDF views: 693
Nisrina Nur Abidah, Atiyah Fitri, Triyono Triyono
| Abstract views: 326 | PDF views: 857
Diana Eri Syafitri, Mawardi Nur
| Abstract views: 866 | PDF views: 1301
Fajri Nurul Izzati, Abdi Triyanto
| Abstract views: 528 | PDF views: 318
Zainab Ali Lubis, Ucu Musahidah, Siti Sa'adah
| Abstract views: 590 | PDF views: 583