Pengaruh Gaya Hidup, Kesadaran Halal, dan Word of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Steak Moen-Moen di Kota Depok

Hamidah Hamidah, Abdi Triyanto, Mustafa Kamal



This study aims to determine the effect of lifestyle, halal awareness, and word of mouth on purchasing decisions for moen-moen steak in Depok city, using primary data with questionnaires distributed to Muslim communities aged ≥ 17 years who have bought and consumed moen-moen steak products at Depok city branches. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling techniques with a purposive sampling approach. Respondents in this study totaled 115 respondents. The data analysis technique uses the SEM-PLS method with the help of SmartPLS software. The results of this study state that partially halal awareness and word of mouth have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions, while lifestyle has no significant positive effect on purchasing decisions. Lifestyle, halal awareness, and word of mouth together (simultaneously) have a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions for Moen-Moen Steak in Depok city.


Keywords: Lifstyle; Halal Awareness; Word of Mouth; Purchase Decision

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