Determinasi Kualitas Audit Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia
This research aims to examine empirically the influence of the size of the public accounting firms, auditor specialization industry, the size of the audit committee, and audit delay on audit quality. The population of this research is the companies listed in the ISSI. The data are analyzed by using a multiple linear regression. Proxy measurements for audit quality are using discretionary accrual Kazsnik model. Data analysis shows that the size of the public accounting firms, auditor specialization industry, and audit delay influence the audit quality.
Penelitian ini bertujuan secara empiris menguji pengaruh ukuran kantor akuntan pubik (KAP), spesialisasi auditor, ukuran audit komite dan audit delay terhadap kualitas audit. Data dianalisis menggunkan regresi linier berganda. Proksi atas kualitas audit menggunakan discretionary accrual Kazsnik model. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ukuran kantor akuntan pubik (KAP), spesialisasi auditor, ukuran audit komite dan audit delay berpengaruh terhadap kualitas audit.
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