
JAKIs 12(2) Oktober 2024


Dear Colleagues

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Islam (JAKIs) invites you to submit your research article, application of theory, critical studies and literature reviews at JAKIs which covers the Focus and Scope for October edition.

JAKIs covers issues but not limited to:

1. Islamic accounting,

2. Auditing and corporate governance,

3. Accounting and tax regulation and policy for Islamic institutions,

4. Shari’ah auditing and corporate governance,

5. Fnancial and non-financial performance measurement and

6. Disclosure in Islamic institutions and organizations.

Deadline: August, 31th, 2024

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan Islam (JAKIs) is published by the Department of Islamic Accounting at SEBI School of Islamic Economics, Depok - Indonesia

Posted: 2024-05-24

NEW Policies on Writing Article


1. Starting in 2023 onwards, we encourage authors to may submit research papers written in good-read English academic writing.

2. Author Fee Policy

Posted: 2022-12-19