Pelatihan Penggunaan Mendeley dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Publikasi Ilmiah Dosen

Luqman Hakim Handoko


This Mendeley training aims to enhance lecturers' ability to manage scientific references more effectively and systematically within the academic environment of Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam SEBI. The training method used was hands-on practice with a demonstration and mentoring approach. This activity was attended by more than 20 lecturers from various study programs, including Sharia Business Management, Sharia Banking, Sharia Accounting, and Sharia Economic Law. Participants were introduced to Mendeley's key features, the differences between Mendeley Desktop and Mendeley Reference Manager, and reference management techniques. Furthermore, the training results showed that participants were highly enthusiastic about understanding and exploring Mendeley’s features. However, many still faced difficulties in using the software due to a lack of prior experience. Some participants were unfamiliar with managing references automatically and performing correct citations. Therefore, to enhance the effectiveness of Mendeley usage among academics, it is recommended that follow-up training and further guidance be provided regularly.


Mendeley; reference management; citation; SEBI's lecturer training; scientific publication


Ginanjar, A. (2018). Peningkatan mutu karya tulis dosen FIS dengan menggunakan reference manager software Mendeley. Harmony: Jurnal Pembelajaran IPS Dan PKN, 3(2), 199–203.

Rahmawati, C., Meliyana, M., Yuliana, Y., & Zain, H. (2018). Pelatihan software mendeley dalam peningkatan kualitas artikel ilmiah bagi dosen. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 8(1), 30–36.

Setiawan, D., Eteruddin, H., & Arlenny, A. (2019). Pelatihan Ms. Word & Mendeley Untuk Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Dosen Fakultas Teknik Unilak. Dinamisia, 3(1), 172–179.


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